Monday 5 April 2010

The Owl and the Frog

This is a tale about management consultants. The only decision you have to make is whether to use the name of a real firm of consultants, or make one up, or do what I've done ... Here goes:

A frog is drowning in a quicksand. Looking up, he sees an owl perched in the branch of the tree above him, and the owl is wearing a T-shirt bearing the name of a well-known firm of management consultants.

'Help, help!' says the frog. 'I'm drowning!!'

'Yes,' says the owl, 'I can see that. It's called a quicksand. A lot of frogs drown in quicksands.'

'Is there anything you can do to help me, Owl?'

'Hmm ... yes, possibly ... but it'll be very expensive.'

'Anything, anything, Owl! I'm drowning!!'

So the owl flies around the area for a while, comes back to its tree and finds a clip-board, does some writing, and then:

'My advice to you, Frog, is that you learn to fly.'

'But how the *^*! can I learn to fly when I'm drowning in this quicksand?'

'We at McAccenprice do not get involved in the implementation of our recommendations ...'

Lots of love,


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